2024 Rothe Legacy of Spirit Award – Tami Hubinger
Rothe’s Legacy of Spirit Award is a unique recognition of employees by the owner of Rothe Enterprises, Inc. (REI), Karen Wheeler-Hall. This annual honor recognizes employees that constantly exist on a plane of exceptional work, dedication and professionalism. But, more importantly, also acknowledges the working character, servants’ heart, and positive attitude that has earned the respect of peers and contributed to the success of Rothe Enterprises, Inc.
Tami Hubinger is our inaugural awardee for Rothe’s Legacy of Spirit Award for her tireless efforts through 2024 Q4 and into the month of January 2025. During this period the Finance organization took on the responsibility of processing labor and expense reports on top of an already overloaded staff. As we’ve seen time and again, Tami rose to the challenge and labor has been processed in a timely manner to meet our payroll schedule throughout. This required her focus beyond the programs under her purview and throughout all RDI, REI and ROAR employees.
The task became particularly difficult during the implementation of our new organizational structure in Costpoint at the start of 2025. We did not anticipate the collateral impacts to account – organization linkages that had to be recreated for the new structure and year. It has been Tami that has kept us all straight and on course with our intercompany charging.
Those that work with Tami are not surprised by these accolades and would all agree that recognition of her workplace spirit and service is well-deserved.